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Welcome to The Hope Chest Reviews where we endeavor to bring you quality book reviews. Here at The Hope Chest Reviews, we hold ourselves to a high standard, by guaranteeing that every book reviewed has been personally read by the reviewer, in its entirety. This is the best way we know of to be as objective as possible in our reviewing process. While we always do our best to conform to a professional standard, we are not professional reviewers, just average everyday consumers like those we hope will be visiting our site. As such, we hope that our visitors will find the site pleasant and easy to navigate, as well as down-to-earth and helpful in making their reading and book buying choices. As ordinary consumers, we have sometimes been frustrated by the lack of quality descriptions and/or reviews on older books. Therefore, we prefer to give our readers a wider variety, instead of focusing exclusively on the latest and most popular ones. Our specialty is Romance, but we have many books to choose from in other categories as well. Our interests are wide-ranging, so as our site grows and changes, we hope to eventually have a little something for everyone. New reviews will be added weekly, so please visit often. We hope that you enjoy your experience here at The Hope Chest Reviews, and that you will bookmark our page and tell your friends and family about us if you find our reviews helpful. Thank you for visiting our site! |
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