Not Exactly Strangers

By: Roni Adams

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When Shelly ducked into a bar after work hoping to just get a burger to eat, she didn't expect to be accosted by a rowdy cowboy. She managed to temporarily escape his clutches, but with her uncle out of town she doesn't want to go home alone. Instead, she runs to another nearby bar where her friend's band is playing and cozies up to a handsome man at the bar, quietly pleading with him to pretend to be her boyfriend. Conrad happens to be the local sheriff. He recognizes the fear in Shelly's eyes and is all too happy to play along to help out a pretty lady in distress. When her annoying hanger-on is gone though, Conrad may not be ready to give up those luscious lips that have shared some very sensual kisses with him.


Not Exactly Strangers is a sweet little story of Shelly, a damsel in distress, who is looking for someone to save her from a rowdy cowboy's harassment, and just happens to pick the handsome local sheriff to cozy up with. Conrad, her gallant "knight" is more than happy to help out a lady in need. This 9-page e-book quickie packed a surprising amount of sexual tension for such a short story without resorting any actual love scenes. I had never read anything by Roni Adams before, but I really liked her writing style and plan to check out her other works. It appears that a secondary character from this novella, musician, Teddy Weston, who was acquainted with both the hero and heroine, is soon to get his own full-length novel, The Cowboy's Duet. Not Exactly Strangers is available as a free download from the publisher, The Wild Rose Press.


Roni Adams


G/PG-Rated Romance
Men in Uniform - Law Enforcement