A Blue Christmas

By: Alison Kent

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Thomas "Blue" Miller and Jessie Buchanan were passionate teenage lovers. They separated ten years earlier so that Jessie could "find herself" as well as the courage to put her abusive father in jail. After a decade of being unable to respond to another man sexually and wanting Blue nearly every day, Jessie has to find out if it's just her or if the spark is still there for both of them. She visits him at his Christmas tree farm, proposing that she share his bed to make some new Christmas memories, but can one night ever be enough for these passionate, star-crossed lovers?


A Blue Christmas was a surprisingly heartfelt and emotional read about two former teenage lovers who've never been able to forget one another and who reunite ten years after they last saw each other, just in time for Christmas. I absolutely love a good reunion romance, so this little story was very appealing to me. I wish that I could have gotten to know Jessie better. Her reasons for leaving Thomas aka "Blue" a decade earlier made sense, but it would have been nice to know more about her past. Although he was understandably angry and resentful when Jessie walked back into his life after so long, Blue was obviously a very loving and forgiving man to let go of all the hurt and bad feelings and just allow Jessie into his heart again. I loved that the two of them had never found anyone else who could equal the level of passion, intimacy and trust they had with one another. I do wish that Jessie had come to Blue out of a desire to rekindle their relationship rather then just to find out whether she was actually frigid or could get him out of her system by sharing a wild weekend of sex, but it was fairly obvious that she did still love him and was simply holding back her feelings. Their love scenes were tender, passionate and thoroughly sensual with them giving very freely to each other.

The ending was sweet, and although Jessie and Blue did admit there was a lot of work to do, I wished I could have seen how they resolved their issues. Oftentimes, wanting to know more is par for the course with novellas, and alls well that ends well I suppose. At least, I did come away from reading it, believing that they could make it work this time. Overall, A Blue Christmas was a lovely and enjoyable read for me. This is the first time I've read anything by Alison Kent, but after this, I'm definitely open to trying more of her work. A Blue Christmas is found in the Jingle Bell Rock anthology.

Note: This novella is the steamiest one in the Jingle Bell Rock anthology. It has a little more explicit language and some borderline erotic content (back-door caressing with fingers and tongue) which may make some readers uncomfortable.


Alison Kent


Christmas Stories
Reunion Stories
Tortured Heroines