Psychology 101
I am absolutely fascinated with the inner workings of the human mind. While any story which features characters overcoming emotional trauma or difficulties has a psychological basis, there seem to be few stories that actually feature the practice of psychology or specific psychological illnesses. This list is to highlight those seemingly rare stories that feature a strong psychologist/counselor or social worker character, a main character who is working to overcome a specific psychological condition, or incorporates the use of reasonably sound psychological practice.
All Through the Night Beast, The Beauty Like the Night Beloved, The Big Guns Out of Uniform Blood Vow Blue-Eyed Devil Change Club Shadowlands Compulsively Mr. Darcy Dirty Secrets Fantasy Lover Father to Be Freedom Hired for Her Pleasure Homecoming, The If It Fornicates Jake's Touch (Silhouette Intimate Moments #574) Let's Talk About Sex Madness of Lord Ian Mackenzie, The Make Me, Sir Masters of the Shadowlands Mine to Possess Nothing to Fear On Dublin Street Poughkeepsie Quick Bite, A Ryan's Father Sea Swept Sisters in Love (Love in Bloom #1) Soft Beats My Heart (Heartsong Presents #209) Stranger in Her Bed To Taste Temptation Tommy's Story Truly, Madly Viking Trust Vampire and the Virgin, The Xavier's Loving Arms You Can't Hide You Don't Know Jack