Amazing Animals

As an animal lover, I think that a well-written animal character that plays a strong part in the story can bring warmth and charm to it, as well as deepen the characterizations of it's human counterparts. This list is for books that had one or more animal characters (this may include mythical animals such as dragons) that stood out to me in some way. Also included are main characters whose careers are dedicated to animals (e.g. veterinarians, trainers, etc.)

Allusive Aftershock
Angel's Peak
Any Day Now
Ashes in the Wind
Beauty Like the Night
Bed of Spices, A
Big Rock
Black Jaguar
Black Moth, The
Bless Us with Content
Blue Lioness
Bonds of Justice
Breaking Point
Breath of Snow and Ashes, A
Bride for a Bit, A
Bride on the Loose
Cade's Justice (Harlequin Historical #392)
Caine's Reckoning
Can't Get Enough
Candle in the Window
Chain Reaction
Charming Champion
Chemist, The
Choir of Angels
Christmas at Conwenna Cove
Christmas Carol, A
Christmas Countess, The
Christmas Day Family
Christmas Eve at Friday Harbor
Club Shadowlands
Confessions at Midnight
Count to Ten
Countess Below Stairs, A
Country Guest House, The
Cowboy Firefighter for Christmas, A
Cowboy Soldier, The (Harlequin SuperRomance #1648)
Cowboy Trouble
Coyote Gorgeous
Dancing on Snowflakes
Dancing on the Wind
Dark Citadel
Dark Lover
Dark Prince
Darling Beast
Dash & Lily's Book of Dares
Dearest Rogue
Deefur and the Great Mistletoe Incident
Deefur Dog
Devil Takes a Bride
Devil to Pay, The
Dining with Angels: Bits & Bites from the Demonica Universe
Dog People
Dragon Master, The
Duke of Desire
Duke of Midnight
Duke of Pleasure
Duke of Sin
Early Dawn
Escort, The
Eternal Rider
Fallen From Grace
Flowers From the Storm
Fool for Love
Forbidden Falls
Forever at Conwenna Cove
Forgotten One, The
From Alarming to Charming
From Halter to Altar
From Pride to Bride
Gentle Warrior
George & the Virgin
Go Tell the Bees That I Am Gone
Green Rose, The
Harvest Moon
Have You Seen Her?
Healer, The
Heaven in His Arms
Hired for Her Pleasure
His Wicked Kiss
Honor's Splendour
Hot & Heavy
How to Score
I'm Watching You
Irresistible Bachelor, An
Island, The
K Is for Karin
K Is for Kindred
K Is for Kismet
K Is for Kissed
Keegan's Lady
King of Sword and Sky
King, The
Kiss of Crimson
Kiss of Snow
Last Hellion, The
Lean on Me
Leaping Hearts
Let It Snow
Lord of Darkness
Love at First Bite
Love's Late Spring (Serenade Serenata #4)
Lover Avenged
Lover Reborn
Loving the Boss
Mackenzie Family Christmas: The Perfect Gift, A
Make Me, Sir
Manning Grooms, The
Many Sins of Lord Cameron, The
Masters of the Shadowlands
Meant to Be Married (Silhouette Special Edition #1194)
Midnight Kiss
Midnight Pleasures
Midnight Surrender
Miracle Baby, The (Harlequin SuperRomance #736)
Mister O
Montana Sky (Heartsong Presents #161)
Mouth to Mouth
My Lord Jack
Nerd Who Loved Me, The
Night Play
Night Remembers, The
No Ordinary Duchess
No True Gentleman
Not the Duke's Darling
Once Upon a Moonlit Night
One Magic Eve
One More Knight (Silhouette Intimate Moments #890)
One Summer
Only by Your Touch
Open Season
Patience for Christmas
Patron Saint of Pigs, The
Petals in the Storm
Phantom Waltz
Phantom's Rest
Pleasure Unbound
Prince of Dreams
Princess in Theory, A
Princess of Bretagne
Promise Canyon
Rafe's Redemption
Rainshadow Road
Raven Prince, The
Ready for Love
Real Cowboys (Harlequin SuperRomance #1412)
Red Leopard
Red Roses Mean Love
Redemption of Deke Summers, The
Return to Poughkeepsie
Return to Virgin River
Rio Grande Wedding (Silhouette Intimate Moments #964)
Ripe for Pleasure
Rogue Rider
Ruthless Rake, The
Sam's Creed
Saving Poughkeepsie
Scandalous Desires
Sea Swept
Secret Pearl, The
Secret Santa
Secret Shadows
Seduced at Midnight
Seventh Heaven
Shadow and the Star, The
Silent Knight (Harlequin Historical #343)
Simply Perfect
Sleeping Night, The
Sleepless at Midnight
Snakes & Jails & Puppy Dog Tails
Snowball's Chance/A Christmas Carol, A (Harlequin Duets #66)
Song of the Swan
Southern Comfort
Southern Exposure
Spank Me
Special Blessing for Sara, A
Straight Cowboy
Summer at Conwenna Cove
Summer Breeze
Sunrise Point
Sweet Annie (Harlequin Close to Home #36)
Sweet Nothings
Sweetest Scoundrel
Tempted at Midnight
Tequila Makes Her Clothes Fall Off
Texan's Luck, A
Texas Destiny
Texas Glory
Texas Splendor
That Holiday Feeling
Thief of Shadows
Three Dog Knight (Harlequin Historical #438)
Thunder and Roses
To Beguile a Beast
To Have and to Hold
To Seduce a Sinner
Tucker's Claim
Twelve Days of Dash & Lily, The
Under the Christmas Tree
Unleash the Night
Unleashing the Storm
Unlikely Bodyguard, The (Silhouette Mary Me, Cowboy #24)
Viscount Who Loved Me, The
Wait for the Sunrise (Harlequin Historical #190)
Wanderer, The
Wastrel, The (Harlequin Historical #344)
Wedding Bargain, The (Harlequin Historical #336)
Western Winter Wonderland, A (Harlequin Historical #867)
What a Dragon Should Know
What She Wants for Christmas (Harlequin SuperRomance #720)
Where Angels Go
Where There's Heat
White Tiger
Wild and Wicked (Harlequin Blaze #87)
Wild at Heart
Wild Child, The
Wilderness Christmas, A
Wildest Shore, The
Winter Ballad, A
Woman Scorned, A
Written in My Own Heart's Blood
Wulf's Curse, A
You Can't Hide
Yours Until Dawn