Tortured Heroes

It might just be the nurturer in me, but I love reading a good tortured hero. All of the heroes on this list have suffered deeply in an emotional sense, whether it be abuse, lost love, poor self-esteem, PTSD, or something else that has profoundly affected their lives. Some may be dark and brooding, while others may be covering up their pain with a devil-may-care attitude, but in the end the love of a good woman helps all of them to overcome.

Abiding Love (Heartsong Presents #138)
Allusive Aftershock
Always to Remember
Angel Rogue
Angel Voices
Ashes of Midnight
Azagoth (1001 Dark Nights #6)
Base Instincts
Becoming Death
Beginning, The
Beloved, The
Black Dagger Brotherhood: An Insider's Guide, The
Bless Us with Content
Blood Fury
Blood Kiss
Blood Vow
Bloom in Winter, A
Blue-Eyed Devil
Bollywood Affair, A
Bonds of Justice
Bourbon Kings, The
Breath of Snow and Ashes, A
Burning, The
Captive Bride
Chosen, The
Christmas Throwaway, The
Colters' Woman
Companion, The
Count to Ten
Cowboy Soldier, The (Harlequin SuperRomance #1648)
Dance with the Devil
Dangerous Lord, The
Dangerous Lover
Dark One, The
Dark Side of the Moon
Darling Beast
Day Dreamer
Dead After Dark
Declaration of Courtship
Deefur and the Great Mistletoe Incident
Deefur Dog
Demonica Underworld Compilation
Desire Unchained
Devil May Cry
Devil Takes a Bride
Devil to Pay, The
Devil You Know, The
Devil's Cut
Dragonfly in Amber
Dream Chaser
Dreaming of You
Duke and I, The
Duke of Desire
Duke of Midnight
Duke of Sin
Duke's Perfect Wife, The
Early Dawn
Embracing Death
Emma's Orphans (Heartsong Presents #232)
Fallen Angel
Fallen From Grace
Fantasy Lover
Father to Be
Fear the Darkness
Feeling Death
Fifty Shades Darker
Fifty Shades Freed
Fifty Shades of Grey
Fire and Rain
Flowers From the Storm
Forgotten One, The
From the First (Silhouette Special Edition #1750)
Fugitive Green, A
Gabriel's Inferno
Gabriel's Rapture
Gallant Waif (Harlequin Historical #557)
Gift, The
Give Us This Day
Guise of a Gentleman, The
Hard Evidence
Having Her Boss's Baby (Silhouette Special Edition #1759)
Heart's Desire, The
Hearts in Darkness
Her Guardian Angel
Hidden Heart, The
His Brother's Bride
His Secondhand Wife (Harlequin Historical #760)
How to Marry a Millionaire Vampire
Hunger, The
Hunting Season
In the Company of Darkness
Island, The
Jackal, The
Jake's Touch (Silhouette Intimate Moments #574)
K Is for Kindred
King, The
Kinky Xmas Carol, A
Kiss of Snow
Lady Isabella's Scandalous Marriage
Lady of Desire
Lethal Rider
Lord of Darkness
Lord of Fire
Lord of Ice
Lord of Scoundrels
Lord of the Fading Lands
Love at First Bite
Love in the Light
Love Is in the Hallways
Lover at Last
Lover Avenged
Lover Awakened
Lover Enshrined
Lover Eternal
Lover Mine
Lover Reborn
Lover Revealed
Lover Unbound
Lt. Kent: Lone Wolf (Silhouette Special Edition #1398)
Mad Earl's Bride, The
Madness of Lord Ian Mackenzie, The
Many Sins of Lord Cameron, The
Meant to Be Married (Silhouette Special Edition #1194)
Midnight Awakening
Midnight Fire
Midnight Pleasures
Midnight Rising
My Forever Love
My Lord Jack
Nanny for Nate, A
Never Love a Cowboy
Never Marry a Cowboy
Night Embrace
Night Play
Night Pleasures
Night Remembers, The
No Ordinary Duchess
Not So Tiny Tim
One Night of Sin
One Summer
One with the Night
One with the Shadows
Only by Your Touch
Paradise Valley
Passion Unleashed
Perfect Tenderfoot
Phantom Lover
Pirate Lord, The
Pirate Prince, The
Pleasure Me
Pleasure Unbound
Pregnancy Test, The
Prince of Dreams
Prisoner of Night
Promises Linger
Rafe's Redemption
Razr (1001 Dark Nights #56)
Red, White, & Royal Blue
Redemption of Deke Summers, The
Return to Poughkeepsie
Riding the Storm
Rogue Rider
Rules of Attraction
Ryan's Father
Sam's Creed
Saving Liam
Savior, The
Scandalous Desires
Second Chances
Secret Pearl, The
Secret Santa
Seize the Night
Serpent Prince, The
Sex, Straight Up (Harlequin Blaze #388)
Shadow and the Star, The
Shadow of the Moon
Shadow on the Moon
Shadows, The
Simply Love
Sinner, The
Sins of the Night
Skin Deep
Soul Deep
Story of Son, The
Suspect's Daughter, The
Tangle of Need
Tea for Two
Temptation Ridge
Texas Destiny
Texas Splendor
Texture of Intimacy
Then Came You
This Side of Heaven (Silhouette Intimate Moments #453)
Three Weddings and a Kiss
To Seduce a Sinner
To Taste Temptation
Tommy's Story
Touched by Fire
Tucker's Claim
Twelve Days
Unforgettable Lady, An
Unleash the Night
Unleashing the Storm
Unlikely Bodyguard, The (Silhouette Mary Me, Cowboy #24)
Until Death We Do Part
Upon the Midnight Clear
Vampire Mine
Viper, The
Virgin River Christmas, A
Viscount Who Loved Me, The
Wallflower Christmas, A
Warm Heart in Winter, A
Wed Under Western Skies
Wedding Bargain, The (Harlequin Historical #336)
Western Winter Wonderland, A (Harlequin Historical #867)
What She Wants for Christmas (Harlequin SuperRomance #720)
When a Rogue Meets His Match
Where Winter Finds You
Wicked Intentions
Wild Invitation
Wings of a Dove
Witness, The
Worth Any Price
Written in My Own Heart's Blood
Yours Until Dawn
Zayed's Gift
Zombies for Breakfast