Babies & Children
I love stories that feature babies or children as significant characters. Even if the children aren't biological or are related to one of the protagonists in some other way (e.g. sibling, cousin, etc.), they can help to facilitate a beautiful connection between a couple, and/or bring warmth to the story. I'm especially fond of seeing a hero who has a natural knack with kids or who already is or is learning to become a nurturing father or father-figure.
Abide with Me (Heartsong Presents #185) Abiding Love (Heartsong Presents #138) Almost a Bride Always to Remember Angel's Peak Annie in the Morning (Silhouette Here Come the Grooms #31) Another Chance to Dream Apache Fire (Harlequin Historical #436) Ashes in the Wind Babe in the Woods (Harlequin SuperRomance #792) Baby Love Bad Boys to Go Beast, The Beautiful Gifts Beauty Like the Night Black Dagger Brotherhood: An Insider's Guide, The Blood Vow Breaking Dawn Breath of Snow and Ashes, A Bride for a Bit, A Bridge of Hope Bringing up Baby Cade's Thanksgiving Callie's Meadow Candle in the Window Cannibal Princess, The Carly's Rule Charming the Highlander Choir of Angels Chosen, The Christmas Angel, A Christmas at Conwenna Cove Christmas Countess, The Christmas Day Family Christmas Eve at Friday Harbor Christmas in the Kitchen Christmas Kiss and Winter Wonderland, A Christmas Star Count to Ten Country Guest House, The Covet Daddy, Daddy & Me Dancing on Snowflakes Dangerous Lord, The Darling Beast Deal with the Devil, A Dearest Rogue Bonus Epilogue Deefur and the Great Mistletoe Incident Deefur Dog Defiant Hero, The Demonica: Overkill (Snippets of Demonica Life...) Dining with Angels: Bits & Bites from the Demonica Universe Dirty Secrets Do or Die Dragonfly in Amber Dragonfly Moments Duke of Pleasure Earl's Forbidden Ward, The (Harlequin Historical #1830) Eat Prey Love Echo in the Bone, An Elizabeth's Wolf Emma's Orphans (Heartsong Presents #232) Extreme Exposure Fallen Angel Fancy Free Father to Be First Comes Baby (Harlequin SuperRomance #1405) Flame and the Flower, The Forbidden Falls Fourth Gift, The From Carriage to Marriage Frontier Christmas, A Gentle Warrior George & the Virgin Getting Lucky Gilded Knight, The Go Tell the Bees That I Am Gone Greatest Gift of All, The Grocery Shopping Guise of a Gentleman, The Have You Seen Her? Hazards of Hunting a Duke, The Healing Touch Heart Leads Home, The Heart's Desire, The Heaven on Earth Hero, The His Best Friend's Wife (Silhouette Intimate Moments #627) His Brother's Bride His Secondhand Wife (Harlequin Historical #760) Home Hostage to Pleasure Hungarian, The Hunting Season Issue of Trust Joy Restored K Is for Karin Kiss of the Night Lady Isabella's Scandalous Marriage Leopard Prince, The Lion's Daughter, The Long Way to Go, A Longing Lord of Fire Love Comes Softly Love with the Proper Husband Love's Enduring Promise Love's Gentle Journey (Serenade Saga #21) Love's Late Spring (Serenade Serenata #4) Love's Long Journey Loving Devlin Loving Sarah Lt. Kent: Lone Wolf (Silhouette Special Edition #1398) Mackenzie Family Christmas: The Perfect Gift, A Maid for Love Maneuver Manning Brides, The Midnight Angel Midsummer's Knight (Harlequin Historical #415) Miracle Baby, The (Harlequin SuperRomance #736) Montana Sky (Heartsong Presents #161) Mrs. Miracle Mustang Wild (Harlequin Historical #841) My False Heart Nanny for Nate, A Naya's Most Important Visitors Nerd Who Loved Me, The Newcomer, The Night Falls Like Silk Night Remembers, The Night Storm Nothing to Fear Oh, Christmas Hells, Oh Christmas Hells... One Christmas Knight (Silhouette Intimate Moments #825) One Little Sin One Magic Eve One Night One Summer Only by Your Touch Pancakes Perfect Holiday, The Prairie Embrace Prince Charming Promise, The Rainshadow Road Real Cowboys (Harlequin SuperRomance #1412) Reaper Red Roses Mean Love Redemption of Deke Summers, The Redwood Bend Return to Poughkeepsie Revenant: Epilogue Rio Grande Wedding (Silhouette Intimate Moments #964) Rogue in Texas, A Rules of Attraction Saving Poughkeepsie Say Goodbye to Yesterday Scandalous Desires Sea Swept Season for Miracles Season of Angels, A Second Chance Pass Secret Pearl, The Serpent Prince, The Seventh Heaven Shelter Mountain Sheltering Hearts Simply Love Simply Perfect Sinful: Epilogue Smooth Talking Stranger Snakes & Jails & Puppy Dog Tails Soldier Something Special Stalking Hawke Stand-In Wife Stargazer Sugar Daddy Sunrise Point Tea for Two Texas Glory Texas Splendor Texture of Intimacy That Holiday Feeling That Impossible Dream Thee, I Love Then Came You Thief of Shadows Three Dog Knight (Harlequin Historical #438) Three Little Secrets Three Weddings and a Kiss To Beguile a Beast To Taste Temptation Toy Soldiers Trouble with Angels, The True Love Wedding Dress, The Truly, Madly Viking Twelve Days Two Little Lies Undead Next Door, The Untamed One, The Veil of Midnight Very Sinful Valentine, A Very Virile Viking, The Wait for the Sunrise (Harlequin Historical #190) Warm Heart in Winter, A Watson Brothers, The Wed Under Western Skies Wedding Bargain, The (Harlequin Historical #336) Western Winter Wonderland, A (Harlequin Historical #867) What She Wants for Christmas (Harlequin SuperRomance #720) Where Angels Go Where Dreams Begin Wicked Intentions Wild at Heart Wild Invitation Wild Yearning, A Wilderness Christmas, A Winter Ballad, A Winter Wonderland Witness, The Woman Scorned, A Written in My Own Heart's Blood